We all needed a vacation, and we wanted to take the kids somewhere fun for a back to school hurray. So we decided to head on down to Las Vegas. I've never been there before so this was a whole new experience for most of us. I can tell you, I will not go back during the summer, although it was a total BLAST, it was like walking the ninth circle of hell. It was really hot and it made us all even more exhausted. Well, the walking around ALOT helped too, but it wouldn't have been as bad if it had been about 30 degrees cooler. Oh well, we had so much fun anyway.
I totally forgot to take a picture of where we stayed, but we stayed at Circus Circus.
**Disclaimer, this is a LONG post, and also not in chronologic order so bear with me.
Before we left town we went to M&M World. The kids were disappointed it wasn't a factory so that they could see how they make M&M's, but they sure enjoyed the spoils.
Joe got Dan the mini M&M's and as soon as he had the bag, he was trying to get at them. He was so upset that he had to wait for me to pay and for us to find a good spot to eat them up.
Porter downing them M&M's.
Emma and Hyrum enjoying there's.
M&M World.
Posing with the M&M. Porter wouldn't get any closer, and Dan wouldn't turn around. Emma thought he was funny.
Pay already!!!!!
The M&M wall. Yummy!! Actually I was good and we only got the kids candy.
Hyrum wanted so much to go and ride the rides at the Adventurdome. I went with him, and because I was riding most of the rides with him, the camera stayed upstairs, so I only got the one with my camera because this was one of the ones I couldn't go on. The only thing that sucked was that Hyrum had me go on the Pirate ship that just swings back and forth. It made me so sick, I couldn't go on the Inverter with him, which I really wanted to go on, but didn't feel like throwing up all over my son. It was fun anyway.
We also went out to the Hoover Dam. I figured we were so close and I had never been there. This is a bridge they are building over the river. I about died looking at it, you couldn't pay me enough to build that thing. They said they were building it so high in the hopes that people would crash so much looking at the dam. You going over a bridge that big, you had better be paying attention to where you are driving or you be dead fast!!
The dam.
Hyrum kept hoping from one side to the other, going "Now I'm in Arizona, now I'm in Nevada." It was so funny.
I just love astrology so this was cool.
Colorado River.
These are so cool, especially since I just read "The Last Olympian" Series. They come "alive" in the book, because they are "really robots." It was just cool seeing something I had read about.
They were so excited to be there.
We also went to the Mandalay Bay Shark Reef. Emma doing her typically pose.
Danny was enjoying the fish, but I guess at this moment Mom as more facinating.
Hyrum trying to listen to the information and Porter just having fun.
The sunken ship here was totally cool, but Porter had a hard time with the walking on glass thing, and Joe had to carry him. He was so afraid that if he walked on it, it would break.
Anyway, it was a GREAT trip. Joe and I were completely and utterly exhausted by it all but it was so much fun. Can't wait to go back. Actually, next time Joe and I may go alone, because there are other things to do that we would love to do, that are just way too expensive with four extra peoples. But it sure was fun!!!!