Medalon 488
Treason Keep 518
Harshini 489
These are the sequel trilogy to the Wolfblade series but were written before the Wolfblade series, so their are some minor discrepancies that someone like me of course noticed. But I loved them nonetheless. This woman has an extraordinary talent with writing villains. I swear, every one of her books there is at least one person that I personally want to jump into the book and strangle with my bare hands. I also love that the hero or the heroine are never perfect; they always are flawed. Her tone is more reality even though her books are fantasy.
Lion of Senet 558
Eye of the Labyrinth 512
Lord of the Shadows 569
This series is also by Jennifer Fallon, and I again absolutely LOVED it!!! It has many subjects that it covers but mainly it is about the struggle between science and fundamental religion. In order to destroy the evil that has been perpetuated by this particular religion the main hero must tear it down from the inside; he must also lie to set himself up so that he can fix so much. In discussing if it is better to follow him or the woman who originally started the society down the barbaric path, he is answered this--"They'll still be pathetic," Neris predicted. "Most people are. It's why we have gods and goddessess. The human race is so insecure and afraid, we must invent a protector or cower in the shadows, hiding from a universe full of things bigger, uglier and more powerful than we are. People want a parent figure to alleviate their pain, Dirk. To make their crops grow, to shield them from the realities of life. If we can't find a real god, then we have to make one up. Do you think that makes us a higher species or a lesser one? Every other species seems to cope just fine without the need to imagine there's a divine being out there somewhere masterminding the whole show."
I just love that quote!!! It is so true. Now, no one take offense, I'm not saying there is no God, but the reason most people seek after any God is because the world, reality itself, scares the everliving piss out of them.
The Warrior Heir 426
The Wizard Heir 458
The Dragon Heir 499
Cinda Williams Chima is the author of this trilogy. This is another one that just took me in and I so did NOT want to let go. Just a really compelling story!!!
Total for the month of January-- 4,517
Total for 2010-- 4,517