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Seriously Snowed In

Okay I don't know about you all, but us up here in Ogden are seriously sick of the snow. In the last couple of months, this is the second Sunday where I've been snowed in. Couldn't get out of my driveway. By noon we had almost a foot and then we had about a half hour break and then snow again since. It's insanity. Our little playground in the back is about buried. That would be the slide and the climbing cube (which is taller than Emma). That doesn't say much but it's still alot of snow. And it's still snowing. It's total insanity I tell you!!!!!
That would be the roof. That was only this afternoon. I swear, anymore falls and they are going to cave in. Not to mention I don't know how anyone is going to go anywhere on Monday if it doesn't stop. I hope and pray that if it's this bad Hyrum's school grows some sense and actually cancels school. They never do around here, no matter how dangerous it is to drive. It really irritates me. Not to mention that they don't even plow the roads right around the elementary school. I mean, what kind of retard thought that was smart. I don't get it. I know we need the snow and we want to avoid a draught and all that jazz but seriously, I think we've had enough for a while. I'm tired of being stuck in my house!!!!

1 comment:

Desi said...

I can't believe all of that snow! We got down to the 30's for a week in January, but we're getting pretty warm again. Two days ago we hit 85! In February! This summer is going to be a hot one! I could do with a little of that snow and I think you could do with a little less!