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The Gifted Program

Well, Hyrum is taking some testing for a gifted program at his school today and tomorrow. I am so nervous for him. I know how smart he is, everyone who's ever talked to Hyrum knows how smart he is, but I always got nervous with tests and so now, I'm nervous for him. Joe and I were going to send him to a charter school, he even got into one, but he didn't get into the one that we thought would be best for him and so I turned to the Advanced Learning Academy, a gifted program they offer at his public elementary school. He has to be at school at 7:45 a.m. today and tomorrow for all his testing and then we wait. I am praying so hard right now that he will get in because I know in my heart that this is the right program for him right now. He'll get to stay at his school, which he loves, and still be around all his little friends. Plus, if Joe does go active duty after he is done with school, Hyrum would have had to go right back into public school, so I figure, we had better learn how to milk the public schools for all they are worth. I'm pretty intelligent and so is Joe and we both went to public school. If I have to supplement Hyrum anyway, it's worth it. He is worth all the educational work. All my kids are. I want so much for them to have good lives and that all starts with a quality education. With that they can go anywhere and do anything. I am so proud of Hyrum.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Oma and Opa are also very proud of Hyrum, Emma, Porter, and Dan. How can they not be smart with all those smart genes in the "pool"? Love you.