***You are forewarned. . .this is a VERY LONG post!!!
Since the kids had UEA break, we headed to Jackson, WY, so that we could enjoy Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. There's nothing we like more then getting away from it all, and I can tell you, I absolutely fell in love with Jackson. I could have stayed there forever.
Watch Old Faithful blow. Porter was so scared, but I finally got him to sit down and watch it and then it started "raining" on us, and he just thought that was so cool.
Dan eating a sucker and watching TV in the bedroom.
Emma posing on her bed, which she shared with Dan.
Porter and Hyrum going nuts on their bed.
Joe and I slept on the pull out couch in our living area, so that we didn't have to sleep in the same room with the kids. They drive us nuts!!!
This is the cabin was stayed it. It was so nice.
Walking around the geysers. Dan was so mad, he wanted to walk but he was being naughty so I had him on my shoulders for a little while.
Dad trying to get Dan to stop for a picture.
Emma had to get in on this one and Porter wouldn't let me go. In fact, when we were walking and all the steam started coming across the walkway, he wigged out and made me carry him, but once he realized that it wasn't anything to be scared of, he walked through it on the way back, but he sure made sure he had my hand tight.
Hiking in the Grand Tetons. Porter and Dan actually were in the backpacks but at the end we let them walk a bit which they LOVED.
Hyrum hiking.
Emma hiking, she always has to pose.
Porter riding in the backpack with Dad.
And mom sported Danny. We had so much fun. I would stop and let him feel the trees which he loved so much he wanted me to stop for every single one.
Emma and Mom in the museum.
Hyrum and Porter at the Grand Teton Museum.
Emma, Dad, and Dan at the Museum. That first day was really nippy, but at least it was sunny.
The Grand Tetons.
This was just a great trip. It would be so nice to live somewhere like that. I loved it so much, I didn't want to leave.
On a side note, we sure thought this was funny. We were playing the capitals game and Joe asked Hyrum what the capital of Montana was. Hyrum thought about it and declares "I know it's HANNAH!!" I laughed so hard I cried.
Joe and I slept on the pull out couch in our living area, so that we didn't have to sleep in the same room with the kids. They drive us nuts!!!
This was just a great trip. It would be so nice to live somewhere like that. I loved it so much, I didn't want to leave.
On a side note, we sure thought this was funny. We were playing the capitals game and Joe asked Hyrum what the capital of Montana was. Hyrum thought about it and declares "I know it's HANNAH!!" I laughed so hard I cried.
How fun! We stayed in a little cabin just like that when we went several years ago. Sounds like you guys had a good time.
That's a great post!!! Hannah Montana!
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