Happy Christmas to all my Friends and Family,
Well, really this year has been pretty uneventful. Well, things happened but let's just say I'm glad it's coming to a close. Joe has been deployed all year long. We are anxiously anticipating his return at the beginning of March 2009. Just have to make it through Christmas and a couple of birthdays and then he'll be home. Yippee!!!
Hyrum started first grade at a new school. Due to the fact that his other school not only sucked but there was a kid there that kept beating him up and no one did anything (no I'm not still furious about that), we moved Hyrum to a new charter school here in Ogden. He is very happy to be at Venture Academy, and it really is perfect for him. Hyrum is so smart, blessed with a photographic memory, school has been way too easy for him, and so with Venture's real hands on approach to learning, it has helped him to say actively involved with the learning process. He's aced every test and really is doing exceptionally well. He helps me with the other kids so much with his daddy gone. He really is an amazing young man. He turns 7 in January 2009. I am so happy to have my big helper.
Emma is in joy school with a few of her friends. I teach every third week and so far it's going really well. She loves it at least and doesn't shy away from doing her homework, in fact, she looks forward to it. She loves arts and crafts and memorizing her rhymes so that she can show off for mom. I don't quite know how it happened but in alot of ways, she is such a girl!! She loves dresses so that she can dance and they billow out; she loves princesses and Barbie; and then she loves to take all those things and go out in the dirt and dig away. She loves to have her hair straightened and whenever I do that, she really does look like a little lady. She turns 5 in February 2009. I am so happy to have my little girl.
Porter turned 3 in September and amazingly his Daddy made it home for leave for his birthday. It was so nice to have him there for one of them this year. Porter has always been my quiet one and hasn't really spoken much but this year, he has definitely found his voice and surprises me everyday with the things he's picked up over the years but never really spoken until now. He's also found his stubborn side which seems to be a genetic trait in this family of ours, but it's been wonderful trying to teach him how to share and be his own little man. He's also very loving and helpful with his brothers and sister. I am so happy to have been blessed with this sweet spirit.
Dan the man turned 1 in November. I still can't believe it. He's sort of started walking but finds that crawling still gets him there faster so he'd rather do that. He gets into EVERYTHING!!! He is a talker though. He never stops trying to get a word in edgewise. There are days he runs around all day just yelling at me, and I mean it, all I hear is "MA MA!!!!" Well, I sure do know I am loved. Dan also loves his daddy. When Joe was home in September I was anxious at first but Danny took to his dad right away and would often fall asleep on daddy, something he won't do with mom. He steals my phone and pushes buttons and tells me he's talking to daddy, so I know he misses him too. He just has a very sweet personality. He LOVES to give kisses and even gives a few little girls his age at church a few smacks. It's just too cute. He is such a ladies man. I am so happy to have my little comfort.
I'm still staying at home with the kids, not that I would be able to get out and work with Joe gone but most of the time I really love being here with the kids. I have to admit that this deployment has been hard, because I really haven't been blessed to get a break all that often. Recently, I started going out once a month with some friends but I can tell you that that is not enough. I am really looking forward to Joe being home. I finally have an adult to talk to every day!!! Well, I miss him on so many levels and it will be all around great to have him home. I've spent alot of time reading this year, and couldn't even begin to list everything that has made it into the pile, but I do have to say I am so thankful for my own Dad who instilled in me a great love of reading and the magic that can happen when you truly place yourself in a book. It saves me every deployment and this one being the longest, has been a great blessing. I have to say though, I am very happy with my life and my family. I have been blessed so greatly. There really aren't words in any language to express my gratitude for the blessings I have. I am so thankful for everyone who has touched my life.
Joe is Joe. He has been in Afghanistan since April. Before then he was in training, so he's been gone all year. At first things really sucked. He was in a place and doing things he didn't enjoy. He felt like he was stuck in cage. Thankfully, after he was home on leave in September, they moved him. I really have no idea where he is now other than in Afghanistan. However, I can tell you that he most definitely is happier where he is now. He still wishes he could be home instead but at least I don't have to more about his mental well being anymore. I am so proud of my husband and the sacrifices he makes for his family and his country. We may not always agree with the direction this country is taking but we are proud to stand up and try to make a difference as a family. I am so happy to have such an amazing husband. I am so blessed to have married my best friend, and to love him more with each passing day.
God bless you all.
Happy Christmas.
Merry New Year.
The Merkley Crew