Book Blog

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New Outfits from Oma

Hyrum showing off his stuff. Red is definitely one of his colors. I think the church socks really pull the outfit off!
Nothing better than this one's smile and look at those beautiful blue eyes. His mommy sure hopes and prays those are here to stay. Then at least one of my babies will have mommy's eyes.
Easter outfit. Oh so handsome.
Looking handsome in blue. Oh Porter looks more grown up everyday and he's really starting to talk more and more. Today at church he looked at me and says, "Want go mom." That's the first time he's put forth the effort to say a complete sentence. It was great. Then he's pointing to the bricks of the church and telling me "block, block." It was so cute.
Brothers. Aren't they so cute in their easter outfits. Such handsome boys I have.
Chomping away at some easter candy in his new playing outfit.
Emma so pretty in pink. Emma loves dresses so much lately, anything that twirls well when she spins around, that's dancing to her. Here she is with her bubbles. She won those from Grandma for being such a good girl last night and going to bed without any problems.
Man I have cute kids. That's one thing Joe and I do well. Genetics have definitely been kind. Personality wise, they definitely got both the worst and best traits of us both as well. Makes for roller coaster days but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love them so much.


Linds said...

Those are adorable easter outfits!

Jenny and Jon said...

Cute outfits! Baby Dan is getting so big. He is so cute, he is smiling a lot and I love his blue eyes.