Remember Emma, well Saturday night Mom went to the Emergency Room with dear sweet Emma. Why? Because after spending the day up at Grandma and Grandpa's cabin, Emma arrived home and was being gotten ready for bed when Mom and Dad discovered she had a porcupine quill in her bum. No kidding!!!! To the ER we went. I had to hold my daughter down while they numbed her up, which was the worst part of the whole experience for her. Then she laid there, pretty still, while the doctor took a scalpel to her bum, cut it open, extracted the quill, and sewed her little bum cheek up again. 2 stitches in all. Not to bad, but man, I felt so bad for her. Doesn't seem to phase her all that much though. She can't wait to go back up to the cabin. Proof that nothing phases a kid.