Book Blog

I ask you all to head on over to my Book Blog as well. . . And spread the word!!


Hyrum's Birthday Party

 In just 4 days, Hyrum will be 9 years old!!!  Geez, this kid makes me feel old.  We allowed him to have a friend party this time, a lateover.  All I can say is unless he drastically grows up this next year, he won't be able to do this again next year!!
 Hyrum and his friends--(Left to right) Ethan, Hyrum, Zaydon, Jaxxon.
 Blowing out the candle.  Dan did it for him the first time, so we had to relight.
 Zaydon showed them all the joys of smearing cake all over you.  Needless to say, Mom was not happy but it did lead to some good picture taking opportunities.
 Dan's face.
Hyrum's.  This was mainly done by his friends.

Well, he's having fun, but Mom is not too happy.  He was suppose to watch a movie with them all, but has mainly spent his time in his room kicking out his siblings and geeking out on the DS.  Seriously!!!  That is so being taken away for a MONTH!! 

Oh well.  Happy Birthday my little Mern Bear!!


Emma's Celebration of Learning

Emma's expedition for the last term has been on the Human Body.  For her Celebration of Learning, she was part of a Living Museum to showcase all the parts of the body.  Emma was the muscles.  Sorry if you can't here the video very well, she's too quiet.  Unfortunately, Mom had class and had to miss it, but Daddy took Dan and went with her and took pictures for Mom to enjoy when they got home.  Mom was very disappointed she couldn't be there, especially since it sounded like it was freaking AWESOME!!

 The three pictures above are body sculptures, these are the kids.  They were taped and measured to make them.
 Emma as the muscles.  The red dot on her shoulder was her push button.  You pushed it and she told you about the muscles.
Emma's muscle sketch and sculpture.
Dan hanging with Dad.  Porter and Hyrum are old enough that they played computer games while Mom had class.