I've decided to have a separate blog just about being a Mom and how wonderful and yet how very frustrating it is. I have the most stubborn children in all the world. They can be so sweet and so obedient for OTHER people. They won't do anything for me, and are even worse for their father. My oldest is four years old and he definitely has a will and a mind of his own. Can't figure out how to reason with him when he's screaming in an all out fit or running away. Any suggestions? My daughter is two and terrified of almost everything. She's always asking us to "take her" because she's scared of something or another. The only one who behaves is the baby and he's been very fussy lately. He's scared of his sister because she keeps coming along and hurting him. She's not melicious or anything, it's just that she loves him so much, she's over loving. Plus, if she thinks he should be doing something than he has to do it whether or not he wants to. I love them, but I need to vent and I hope that all will endure my venting.
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