Book Blog

I ask you all to head on over to my Book Blog as well. . . And spread the word!!


Happy 5th Birthday Porter

Yes, 5 years ago today, Porter Joseph was born. He came literally spinning out and a lot faster than the nurse thought possible. So much so that she screamed at me to stop pushing so the doctor could finish getting ready to catch him. He was a big ole fatty when he was born--weighing in at 8 lbs 8 ozs. (my biggest baby and easiest birth!)
From the moment he was born, Porter was different. He was the first baby that I had, that actually wanted me!! The others wanted me, but they definitely preferred their dad--it was seriously depressing as a mom. But Porter came along, and flipped my world all around. He brought a light heart and a massive smile (along with those cute nose tags) right into our family. He was my only non-planned child, and he was truly something special (well, they all are).
Today he is 5!! And he is still a big ole Momma's boy!! He is so drastically different from his siblings, that sometimes he throws me through a loop. He brings such joy to us all. I am so happy and proud of my PD. Even if he and Dan can't stop beating the crap out of each other. . .


Porter's First Field Trip

I am totally behind on blogging, but let me say that the last couple of weeks has been CRAZY!! It also doesn't seem to be slowing, but rather speeding up so I was determined to catch up, whether I had the actually time to do it or not!!

Porter's Preschool (Kidz Under Construction) went on their first field trip to the Dinosaur Park in Ogden last Tuesday (21st). They had so much fun.
Well, here is almost everyone and then some. Parents come so younger siblings do as well and they like to be included (some of the class didn't want to be in the picture--this is all four of the classes too). All in their new Preschool t-shirts. Porter refused to take his off for two days; I had to pry it off him to wash it!!
Listening to the lady talk about dinosaurs. Porter even told her which was the triceratops (that would be his favorite dinosaur). They then made stegosaurus crafts, and yes, Dan participated with his brother.
Then we hit the park.
They played all over that for quite a while.
Then we walked around. They wanted their pictures taken everywhere, but Mom has gotten very limited lately. There's only so many times I want to rip out the camera. Other than Dan being obnoxious and throwing sand in one girl's eye, it was a great day. Porter had a blast and that's all that really matters.


Porter's First Day of Preschool

I didn't bring the camera in because Dan was throwing a hissy fit that he didn't get to go to school. Porter had so much fun today!! He loved every moment of preschool.
This was his take home paper today. I think he did very well coloring inside the lines.
All ready and so excited. He never wanted to take that backpack off. He hung it up and sat down so well as soon as we got there. And his smile was a mile wide when I went to pick him up. He cannot wait until Thursday.


St. George

Well, we went and visited with Joe's sister, her husband, and our newest niece (our only niece), and the kids were so darn ornery, I didn't get any pictures.

However, the next day we went hiking in Zions's National Park, which was uber crazy and it was super hot so we wore the kids out GOOD!!

Joe and me and at least some of them. This was Weeping Rock and Dan was busy putting stones in all the puddles.
Daddy carried him up, he walked down.
Mom and three. At this point Dan refused to get out of the backpack.
All four. Emma saw a rock and wanted a picture. The annoying part--every big rock, she wanted another one. Mom refused. I've started to become a minimalist when it comes to pictures.

It was a fun but exhausting weekend. Happy Labor Day!!