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The Merkley's Enter the Wii Generation

So last month we invested in a Wii. We figured, it would be great family time and we've been right so far. I have another video of Joe playing but he won't let me put it up. Dork. Anyway. Other than Hyrum punching his siblings a couple of times while boxing, it's been all fun (actually he got Emma the other day and she still has a black eye). Hyrum's a bit nuts when it comes to boxing, but it sure is cute. Emma is hillarious to watch golf. They all love it!! And so do the parents. It's definitely fun and relaxing.


Pat said...

That looks like loads of fun! Hyrum sure uses up energy on that one!

Anonymous said...

What game is he playing? I love how Joe is yelling at him in the background and you are just cracking up. I had to watch the video again. Thanks for the laugh. :)

Ruth said...

He was playing boxing. He LOVES to box, unfortunately it can be extremely dangerous for all those around him! :D

Unknown said...

We love ours too. I've never been for video games, but these are so fun to play as a family. Preston gets a little wild playing boxing as well. I hope you are all doing well. I miss our ward back in Ogden! Tell everyone hi for me!