Book Blog

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June Reading

Well June has been I.N.S.A.N.E. so as a result my reading really took a nose dive this month. I read a little of this and a little of that, but I just gave up after having to plan a trip out to Illinois, just me and the kids; then with the three oldest left there with Oma and Opa for a bit, I drove back with Dan and set to totally redoing the kids' bedroom (I'll blog about that as soon as I'm actually home), and once that was done, I had to pack up Joe and me and Dan and up to Washington we went to visit with his Grandpa. So, I won't be including all those failed attempts.

However, I found a great little series to take on my trip. Well, I only bought the first two because I didn't want to get them all in case I didn't like them. However, I loved them so much, I read the two I had in two days and spent a week trying to find a bookstore so that I could get the following three.

The Last Apprentice: Revenge of the Witch-- pgs. 358
The Last Apprentice: Curse of the Bane-- pgs. 468

These books are by Joseph Delaney, and I just love them!! I am so excited to finish the series.

Total for June: 826
Total for 2009: 16,480


Wammack Family said...

Glad to see that I am not the only one who's page count took a dive once the kids were home for the summer.

Missy! said...

I LOVE the Last Apprentice series...I haven't been able to finish because they are always checked out and it's too hard to reserve a book while Maiby's at the library with me. But I can't wait to get to the next one sometime.