Book Blog

I ask you all to head on over to my Book Blog as well. . . And spread the word!!


Mesa Verde National Park

Sunday we drove out to Mesa Verde National Park (and man was it busy!!!!) However, it was so fun. We didn't dare take Dan and Porter on any of the guided tours so we headed out to Spruce House and checked it out. It's a good hike down and an even better one coming back up but they all did it. Dan had to be carried about half way back up and Mom practically dragged Porter the same distance, but I think for such little feet they did a great job!!
My handsome boys. Dan really didn't want to get his picture taken but I got him nonetheless.
We tried several group shots once we got down and this was the best one. It was really cool to see these homes.
Can you imagine living there? So cool. Right into the mountain. Sure would have been nice in the summer time.
They had ladders down into their homes for some of them, and Hyrum and Emma ventured down into one of them. It was sure dusty in there but they thought it was pretty cool.

At this point, Porter was on Dad's back so it's just mom and the three.
Emma and Hyrum ran off with Dad once the littlest boys were kaput to take a quick look at some more ruins.
Hyrum was our photographer again. Not the best shot but at least Joe is smiling in this one.

We were so worn out by the time we were done that we just went back to the hotel and skipped Hovenweep; maybe we'll hit it up the next time we venture out.

So happy to be back (we really had a great time!!) but I'm definitely looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. I never sleep with all of us in one big room and I think they find the most uncomfortable mattress and dole them out to every hotel.


Goblin Valley State Park

We left yesterday straight from school for Hyrum and stayed the night in Price. Kids drove me batty, especially Emma. That girl just doesn't understand that after mom has been stuck in traffic from hell for three hours, she does not want to be yelled and jabbered at for the rest of the evening. That girl's mouth just doesn't know how to stop!!!!

Anyway, we woke up bright and early (thanks to Dan the alarm clock going off at 5:30 with "wake up!! wake up!!"

And we headed out to Goblin Valley State Park. Think, wind and water over so many years and yippee you have a natural playground.
And play they did. We were all good and dirty after this. Dan ran all over the place, trying to go wherever big bro and sis went!
Porter took some warming up. He was terrified that snakes were going to get him but eventually he got out of the backpack and proceeded to crush up every rock he could get his hands on.
Hyrum took this shot for us. Joe's making a doofy face but that's what an 8 year old photographer will get you.
He was mad because I wouldn't let him take the pictures of everyone else. Goof. Climbed over and in everywhere.
Emma went everywhere Hyrum did just to prove she could. Then when she would fall down it was so tragic.
Silly kids with the momma.
Silly kids with the dadda.
Just some goofy kids.

I am totally tanked and the kids are wired, but it really was a great day and our hotel in Monticello is really big so the kids are driving me nuts running around like chickens with their heads cut off, but at least we aren't completely crowding one another. The only problem is that it's in Monticello--FYI there ain't not'in' in Monticello.

Mesa Verde tomorrow and hopefully Hovenweep. . .


Celebration of Learning, Part 2

Sorry I had to do this in two posts, but it just wouldn't upload Emma's play. Driving me batty is what it's doing.

FOREWARNING-This one is long!!

Emma's kindergarten put on the play of "A Very Hungry Caterpillar." They were so cute. Emma kept trying to hide on me!!! She was a piece of chocolate cake that the caterpillar ate. I was so proud of her. She gets so nervous in front of groups like that, but she did wonderfully!!! The whole class did, and I just love them all. I've gotten to work with them in the Library this year, and they are all such wonderful and sweet kids.

I'll try to post some still pictures of the evening, but I am totally tanked and this video is taking forever to upload, big shocker since it's like 10 minutes long!! Oh well. At least I wore them all out today so they all went to bed without complaint and fell asleep immediately. Now I just have to go to bed!!! (Obviously this didn't upload before I crashed, but the sentiment is still there!!)

***I had to finally do this via YouTube, but I didn't want everyone being able to see it so I made it private. If you have problems seeing it, let me know, and I'll try to figure it out!!


Celebration of Learning

Tonight was Hyrum and Emma's Celebration of Learning. Both my kids go to a Charter School that follows and Expeditionary Learning curriculum instead of a K-12 program, and at the end of each "expedition" they get to show off what they have done. This one being their last of the year it was a big deal. This last expedition was on insects--they both became real entomologists, and loved every minute of it. Now if only in the studying we could get Emma to stop being so terrified of everything that moves outside!!

Hyrum's class did paired poems about various insects. They were all so cute and funny, but I only taped Hyrum's poem, otherwise, I think everyone would have never made it through no matter how much you love me kiddos. His class also performed some songs with another class, he was cute, but by then, he was getting VERY tired and hungry so he wasn't so hot on the staying focused and singing. (If you really want to see those let me know, and I'll try to put them up, but they are quite long!!)


Proof that Cleaning Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

The other day I'm cleaning the house, and had to move the exercise bicycle to vacuum and stubbed my toe. It hurt like a bear but not near as bad as I've done multiple times in the past. Anyway. . . Within a couple of minutes, it starts to really hurt to walk. I sit down and my toe is twice the size it should be and black. Isn't it pretty?? Proof that cleaning is indeed hazardous to your health!!!


Mother's Day Weekend

We decided to enjoy the relatively nice weekend by going outside while we could. It's been way too cold around here and constantly raining so the short break we got over the weekend was grabbed onto with enthusiasm.

Saturday we went out to a bird sanctuary and walked around. The kids really enjoyed all the rocks (not so many birds as we were hoping, unless you count mosquitoes). Actually, before we could get onto the trail, Emma freaked out and ran away. Joe had Dan in the backpack and had to chase after her. I really wished I'd video taped it because it was freaking hilarious. Once we got her and got going, she had a blast and then cried when we had to leave. That girl is nuts!!
For Mother's Day, they drew me pictures, which is the best kind of present. Porter has been spelling his name on the computer for a while, but whenever he did it on paper, he would put the letters everywhere. Then Sunday, he hands me this. He did it without any prompting from me and it was so neat. Mom was seriously proud!!
We also went down to Salt Lake and enjoyed the Tracy Aviary. Dan was being a bit of a bum and didn't want his picture taken, so I had to sneak one.
It was a great weekend to be out and about. And of course now, it's cold and raining!!! I really hate this weather. Oh well.