Book Blog

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Happy Birthday Hyrum!!

My big baby boy!! I can't believe it. Hyrum is 7 years old!! He is so excited, and so happy that in a year he'll be 8, and can be baptized. He is without a doubt, the sweetest little man. He is such a big helper for his mom. He loves to read and loves trains. He loves everyone. He never stops talking or doing, and never seems to focus on one thing very long, largely in part because he LOVES everything. I am so blessed to be his mother. He is such a wonderful big brother and all his siblings LOVE him so much. What a wonderful extraordinary addition to our family. Happy Birthday Mern!


Anonymous said...

Tell Hyrum that we said Happy Birthday. Reid must have known that it was Hyrum's birthday today. He was walking all over the house for about an hour and a half shouting Hyrum and kept pointing to Hyrum's picture that we have on our calendar board. It was really cute and funny. :)

Desi said...

What an amazing picture!!! I love how modern it is! I can't believe he's already 7!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I forgot to say. Hyrum looks WAY grown up in that picture. What a handsome kid!