Book Blog

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Walking Man

So Danny has become a little toddler. He started taking steps about a month ago now. He's gotten pretty good and now toddles all over the house. We still have a lot of bumps, especially on the noggin, as he runs into things alot but he gets better everyday. I apologize that it's sideways; I always forget that the camcorder does that.


Pat said...

I had to twist around to see it, but it makes me miss you all that much more. Sure love that little guy and all the rest. He sure waddles!!!!

Burrowing In said...

My friend's little girl just started walking, but she is stubborn as the day is long, so when she saw that everyone was happy and clapping for her to walk, she gave it up that second! Now she gets around by "walking" on her knees. Little turd.

How fun to see another one growing and becoming independent! It's why we keep on having babies, isn't it? To experience all the firsts again...