Book Blog

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Alot Going On

Well, last night we went down to Manti to go to the Manti Pageant. I haven't been since Joe and I were first married, and for me there is nothing better than being on those temple grounds. My only wish is that Joe could have been there too, but I guess nothing can be perfect. I tried to get everyone in front of the temple. We have Danny and me and I know I don't look great, but what do you do. Kerrin and Travis joined us and everyone seemed to have a good time.

The kids were too cute and don't ask about the poses, I don't know why they do that, especially Emma. Drives me crazy. It was very hot while the sun was out and then once the sun went down we all snuggled under blankets, well, everyone but me. Everyone kind of left mom out in the cold because I had to deal with Danny. Emma and Porter fell asleep and it took much to keep Danny that way. Since he was having problems staying asleep, I got allocated to the part of the blanket that the cover blanket didn't cover. Hyrum was kind and let me borrow his at least. What a sweet little boy.

Porter fell asleep on the way down and I just thought this was way too cute to not share. He used his monkey leash thing as a pillow. It was so freaking cute. This kid loves this thing, well, as long as you aren't trying to yank him one way when he wants to go the other, he loves it.

Last week we hit the zoo. They've finished the new carousel and the fun stuff about it so we decided to go and take a spin. If you can't tell, it was extremely hot. We all were not prepared and payed the price of pure exhaustion afterwards, but it was worth it. Even I went on and helped Porter out.

Porter was a bit scared but he held on good. Mern loved it and so did Emma, although she wasn't too sure at first. Danny sat this one out with Auntie Kerrin and had some yummy applesauce.

Sorry this was so dark. That sun was definitely blazing.

Emma and Hyrum also went to a fun swim birthday party for one of their friends. While they partied, Porter got a foot soak with Auntie in mommies foot massage thing. He loved it, wouldn't get out. It was very cute.

On another note, this is just kind of funny. Lately, Hyrum has been reading Porter to sleep at night. He also doesn't like to sleep alone, so it's a good excuse for him to fall asleep with his brother, in Porter's bed. Porter tries to go up to Hyrum's, but since Hyrum is suppose to sleep on the top bunk, that is a big no no in mommy's house. The first night they fell asleep normal like, the next, mom walked in to check up on everyone and found them like this. And, yes, they slept like this ALL night long. Man I have weird boys!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pictures are adorable!! And we miss you guys