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Kindergarten Graduation/Last Day of School

Today was the last day of school this year!! Emma was VERY excited for her Kindergarten graduation!! Now my big boy is in 3rd grade!!! And my little girl is a 1st grader!!! Holy crap!!
Before we left, we got all dressed up and Emma and Momma got a picture together. I'm so proud of her--she got a 100% on her Kindergarten exit exam. Such smart kids I have!!!
Emma and her Kindergarten teacher-Miss Greenwell. She was the bestest teacher in the world, and Emma just loved her to pieces.
Emma all graduated.

They performed a bunch of songs and I totally screwed up and missed the beginning but this is the song they specifically learned for graduation. They learned the signs and signed and sang it for us all. "What a Wonderful World," by Louis Armstrong.

On another note, it was also Hyrum's last day, he deserves some hard earned praise too. He did wonderfully this year. He got great grades and is so excited to be heading to 3rd grade.

The first pictures were taken the first day of school. The second on the last day. Check out Hyrum's shorts and you can see how much he grew this year!!! By next year, he'll be taller than his momma.

1 comment:

Pat said...

They are the most wonderful kids in the world!!!!!!!!! I love them bunches.