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Gone Again

Joe left today. In Utah still but gone. Emma is really having a tough time. She woke up this morning crying just as we were about to leave. She didn't want me to go. She's so afraid that I'm going to leave her too. This is why she has decided she doesn't want to go to Sunbeams. She won't leave my side. Unfortunately though she won't even let me take her and stay with her in Primary; I guess she thinks I'll leave her anyway. I don't know. I wish there was something I could do because it's nigh impossible for me to have her and Dan in Sunday School and Relief Society. I honestly have no idea what to do. Does anyone have any suggestions? I was really hoping that Joe could take her this past Sunday because he was home but he was so stressed out that it made him sick and he couldn't go to church, hence, Emma didn't go to Primary. I just don't know how to comfort them any more than I already do. They have stuffed animals with Joe's voice, they have picture books with like fifty pics of Daddy to keep them company, they get to talk to him on the phone and while he's gone we will have a cam so that we can see each other, and yet I know that it really isn't enough. I miss him so much. I know they miss him too. I just wish there was a magic pill to deal with the heartache. I am so proud to be a soldier's wife. To serve my country right along side him really. Our children are so proud of their dad. But all that doesn't ease the pain of separation. All the kids know is that Dad is gone and they want him home. I just want to hug my husband. All I can do is depend on family and on God. But I'll take any suggestions. . .

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