Hyrum Wilhelm Merkley was born the 25 January 2002 in Provo, UT. He was 7 lbs. 15 ozs. at birth and took 30 hours of labor on his mother's part to come into this world. Hyrum started Kindergarten this year and is a literal sponge for knowledge. He surprises his parents every day with how smart he is.
Hyrum has always been independant. He's not the best sleeper and and never has been. He never slept as a baby, I use to think there was something wrong. When he was three, he had to have his tonsils and adenoids removed because of sleep apnea and his sleeping habits have vastly improved since then. That's his only major surgery so far, thankfully.
Hyrum LOVES being an older brother. He LOVES babies and if we did things his way around here all mom would do is pop out babies one right after another. Thankful we have paced them somewhat. He loves playing with his brothers and sister. They are all best friends which is so wonderful.
He's definitely an inquisitive child and has taken to asking about fifty questions a second. It can get quite annoying, I admit, but on the other hand I just love how much he loves to learn. He tends to get obsessive about things: first it was trains, then it's switched around: temples, calendars, birthdates (he knows the birthdates and ages of everyone in his immediate and immediate extended family by heart), geography (that's his big one right now-that includes: places and languages spoken there), and so on. . . He tries to soak up everything anyone knows about those things and then he memorizes everything and shares with everyone. He could read before he went to school, and is actually reading at a second or third grade level already. In fact, we are trying to get him into a charter school because his educational needs cannot be met at a public school. We are so proud of him.
Hyrum has been a wonderful addition to our family. He is an amazing boy, a spectacular son, and an extraordinary brother. This month we wish him a very Happy Birthday. Happy number 6.
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