Porter Joseph was born on the 30th of September 2005. Our third little one, our second little boy. He was born with one very solid head of hair and was as calm as calm can be. He was 8 lbs. 8ozs. at birth which thoroughly shocked his mother. I really thought he would be the littlest but he has turned out to be the biggest baby so far.
Porter is definitely a chilled child. He is so mellow. He still sleeps in his crib because he knows he's not suppose to get out of it and hasn't even made the effort. He loves his bed and we are content to let him have it. He also is the only one who doesn't wake up the world when he wakes up. He is content to play where he is and not bother anyone. He LOVES to play. He could content himself all day long. He also LOVES to color. He's rarely seen around the house without a crayon in one hand. He is so cute and he definitely has added many smiles to our family.
He has proven to be a very loving and affectionate child and has shown alot of love for his new baby brother. He is just a wonderful little addition to our family. He is so smart and good and kind. He's our little sweet pea. Our "little Joe", our snugglebug. I love him so much and am so grateful for his presence in our family.
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