Book Blog
Sitting Man
He also had his cardiology appointment yesterday. Everything went fine. He weighs 14.3 lbs. and is 25.25 inches long!!! Big boy. His murmur is an innocent murmur. They did a chest xray and an EKG and everything was just fine, so no more visits to Primary Children's Hospital for us.
Joe left Utah today. Now it's 12 long months until he's home for good again. We tried to take alot of pictures and make it as light as possible for most of the day. We had to go to a big farewell this morning. The govenor spoke. Then half of the guys left in the morning. Joe didn't have to leave until this afternoon, so after all that hoopla, we left and went out to eat with Joe's brother and his wife and son. Then we went and spent a little bit at Joe's parents' house. Then of course back to the airport. We all cried, but Hyrum had the hardest time. He was absolutely distraught which only made me more upset. Now, I'm just so tired. I miss Joe so very much. I love him so much. I am so very proud of him. He's an amazing man and everything that he does for his family and his country is truly extraordinary. God be with him til we are together again. God be with us.
Emma's Party
Joe and his nephew. Joe tends to confuse Reidster, because Reid thinks he's his daddy. Other than height, Joe and Rod do look alot alike.
Emma in her birthday crown with Hyrum and her Uncle Nate. Nate is married to Naomi, Joe's sister. It was a special treat having them there because they live in St. George. Uncle Nate's birthday is today. It's his magic birthday. 24 on the 24th. So Happy Birthday Uncle Nate.
Too Big for His Britches
My big baby boy!!! He's not quite 3 months old and he has advanced into 6 month clothes. Isn't he too cute though? I had to go and buy him a couple of new outfits because although I have a ton of 6 month clothes from my other two boys, they are mainly summer clothes, due to the fact that it was warm by the time my other two got into them. This one is growing so fact I can't keep him in anything. I thought Hyrum was a big baby but I sware that Dan is even bigger!!! Porter was always a little baby, at least until he hit 2 years old, now he's sprouting, but it sure was easier to keep him in clothes. Oh well. Dan is still too cute for words!!
Too Cute Not to Share
Tag Your It-About your husband
How long have you been married? 6 years 9 months 2 weeks and 4 days and I can't wait for eternity to come!!!
How long did you date? We didn't really (we were friends, then emailpals, then engaged)
How old is he? 28, he'll be 29 in May.
Who eats more? Depends on what we are eating and what time of day it is.
Who said I love you first? I did.
Who is smarter? Neither, I think we are both equal as a general statement. He's smarter in some things, and I am in others.
Who does laundry? I do mainly. I always fold though, no one else does it right!!! He does his BDU's every now and then when he's around.
Who does the dishes? I load the dishwasher and he unloads, at least when he's around.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does.
Who pays the bills? I do.
Who mows the lawn? The HOA.
Who cooks dinner? We both do when he's home.
Who drives when you are together? Mainly me. I find the driver's seat more comfortable, and plus I get nervous when he drives. Not because he can't drive, I just have control issues.
Who is more stubborn? That's a toss up.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me.
Who asked out who first? Again, we didn't date. He was my temple buddie, so I guess, if you want to know who asked who to the temple first, I did.
Who proposed? He did.
Who has more siblings? He does, 2 sisters and 2 brothers.
Who wears the pants in the family? Our four kids.
I pass the fun on to you now!
Happy Valentine's Day
14 Things that I Love About Joe:
1. That he has always been willing to sacrifice so much of his own time in order to provide for our family.
2. What an amazing father he is and how much he loves his children.
3. How much he loves me, and that even after seven years together he loves me even more than when we first got married.
4. The fact that he finds me far more attractive than I think I am.
5. That he works to make our country and our world a better place every single day.
6. His courage.
7. His strength.
8. His integrity.
9. His faith.
10. His passion.
11. His curiousity.
12. The fact that he is my best friend.
13. His love of books and learning and that he makes that a priority in his own life and the lives of our children.
14. His understanding of the need for "me" and also time for "we."
***I encourage all my friends who are either married or who have a sweetheart this Valentine's Day to take the time to name at least 14 things that they love about the other person. I also wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day.
A Good Night's Sleep
Happy Birthday Nonny
My Cup Runneth Over
I just needed to take the time to thank the Lord for my multiplicity of blessings. My greatest blessing is my family. I have had on my mind my dear friends who have or are currently struggling to have a family. Sometimes I feel so guilty because I have not experienced the same difficulty. But then my heart swells in the knowledge that no matter how long we must wait, someday all those who desire children, will have them. And also, having children doesn't make one a "mother" and not having them doesn't exclude anyone from that great title.
As members of the church many don't read the Apocrypha, but one day I was reading it and came upon the most beautiful passage: "For the first mother of your nation Sarah, was she not barren even till her eightieth year: And yet even in the end of her old age brought forth Isaac, in whom the promis was made a blessing to all nations.
Rachel also, so much in favour with God, and beloved so much by holy Jacob, continued barren for a long time, yet afterwards was the mother of Joseph, who was not only governor of Egypt, but delivered many nations from perishing with hunger.
Who among the judges was more valiant than Samson, or more holy than Samuel? And yet both their mothers were barren." (Mary 2:6-8)
I don't know if anyone can find comfort in that passage, but it soothed my heart to know that no matter the reason, no matter the time, God is aware of the struggles of every dear sister, every dear daughter on this earth. He knows and understands the yearnings of our hearts. Not many people know this, but when we were trying to conceive Emma, I had a miscarriage. I was so thankful to have a dear friend with me at my appointment, Joe couldn't be there, because nothing ripped at my heart like hearing that my child had died. Unlike so many others, I was able to conceive again only after a few months, but I will never forget that little one. I am so thankful for my children. The bless and enrich my life. I am so thankful for a wonderful husband who has brought so much love into my life, not just through our children, but through himself as well. My family is my inspiration, they make me want to be a better person, a better wife, a much better mother. To all women this day, and especially to those whom I love, I want you to know that motherhood is a mantle for us all, with our without actual children in our home. I love you for your inspiration to me. I love you for your strength, and I pray for you each and every day.
God bless us all, women, sisters, mothers, whatever you may be. Today my cup truly runneth over with gratitude for the blessings that I have and also for the wonderful examples of love and sacrifice that I have all about me. Thank you for your inspiration, I hope that I can always return the favor.
I'm not entirely sure why but today it's really started hitting me that Joe is in fact leaving for a year. I've known about it for so long but it's really starting to hit me as I tell people when to meet us at the airport. Only three more weeks and I won't have the luxury of seeing him every now and then like I do with him down at Camp Williams. I can't quite imagine not seeing my husband for a whole year. I mean, we got the webcam, so I guess technically I can see him, but not being able to be around him and give him a hug and just knowing that he's here for a whole year is so daunting. I miss him already. He's my best friend. It really is such a blessing to be married to my best friend, but I have to admit, at times like this when he's deploying it makes the separation harder. I know that we will be alright. I know that God will be with us. I know that at the end of the year, we will think about how fast it's gone but while I'm going through it, I don't know. Anyway. . . I should stop rambling. I just wanted to say that I know how blessed I am to have this amazing man in my life. I thank the Lord every minute of every day for him and our family. My cup is indeed full.