Book Blog

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Tag Your It-About your husband

What's his name? Joseph.

How long have you been married? 6 years 9 months 2 weeks and 4 days and I can't wait for eternity to come!!!

How long did you date? We didn't really (we were friends, then emailpals, then engaged)

How old is he? 28, he'll be 29 in May.

Who eats more? Depends on what we are eating and what time of day it is.

Who said I love you first? I did.

Who is smarter? Neither, I think we are both equal as a general statement. He's smarter in some things, and I am in others.

Who does laundry? I do mainly. I always fold though, no one else does it right!!! He does his BDU's every now and then when he's around.

Who does the dishes? I load the dishwasher and he unloads, at least when he's around.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does.

Who pays the bills? I do.

Who mows the lawn? The HOA.

Who cooks dinner? We both do when he's home.

Who drives when you are together? Mainly me. I find the driver's seat more comfortable, and plus I get nervous when he drives. Not because he can't drive, I just have control issues.

Who is more stubborn? That's a toss up.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me.

Who asked out who first? Again, we didn't date. He was my temple buddie, so I guess, if you want to know who asked who to the temple first, I did.

Who proposed? He did.

Who has more siblings? He does, 2 sisters and 2 brothers.

Who wears the pants in the family? Our four kids.

I pass the fun on to you now!

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