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The Light at the End of the Tunnel

I am finally on the mend and I tell you it has never felt better. I'm still coughing and stuffed up pretty good but at least I finally have my energy back, which means I finally have the energy to take care of my kids which is what was so bothersome before. They are still dealing with the tail ends of their crap too but we all seem to finally be on the mend, and their truly does seem to be a great light at the end here.

I need to take the time to thank everyone who sent out a shout to me when I needed it. I'm more blessed than I even realized and I am so thankful for your friendships and the great support that is to me.
Yesterday I had so much energy, I was able to get a couple of projects done that have been lingering for a while. I was finally able to clean and reorganize my refridgerator.

And I was able to complete reorganize my pantry.

Plus, I went grocery shopping and had parent teacher conferences. Hyrum is obviously the top of his class. Big surprise for anyone who knows Hyrum. He's even stopped surprising his teacher. He's just a little genius. And honestly that's not just parental pride, he really is. Amazingly he still surprises me sometimes. We are sending him to a charter school next year because the public system can do nothing but skip him grades and in order to get him at the correct level, the age difference would be hindering. At least that's my opinion on the matter. Plus the elementary school here is so old that it just doesn't have much of anything that will help him advance.
Anyway. Bottom line is things are looking up and thank you to all who support me.


Desi said...

Cleaning your fridge and pantry! That's impressive! I'm not sick and I still rarely do those tasks. Hmmm... You ARE going to be setting a trent I suppose....

Pat said...

The fridge and pantry look great! Now how about coming and doing mine?
Wish we were there for you. Love to you. MOM